After leaving Bosa take the road to Cuglieri. It goes further into the hinterland, crosses a village and then leads to the sea, where we find the pleasant resort of S. Caterina di Pittinuri. Here the coast is wonderful. First of all you will reach Torre Pittinuri (Pittinuri Tower) and then s'Archittu, a gigantic natural tufa spur overlooking the sea. |
Further on stands the fiftheenth-century Torre su Puttu (Tower su Puttu), which rises where once was the harbour of the ancient Carthaginian city of Cornus, whose ruins are not far from the tower. |
The peninsula of Sinis begins from the romantic and magic beach of Is Arenas and ends up with Marina di Torregrande, in the gulf of Oristano. Most of the peninsula is occupied by the ponds of Is Benas, Sale Porcus and Cabras, but it offers a beautiful beach in Su Pallosu. Its far western side is delimited by Capo Mannu, whici provides a suggestive view. Going on down south there is Porto Mandriola and Cala Saline. After Putzu Idu the coast becomes so high and sheer that it is impossible to go down to the sea. For this reason we suggest sailing along the coast, so that you can see small bays with crystaline water enclosed by the high white calcareous rocks of the coast. |
After passing Capo sa Sturaggia and Punta Is Arutas the coast become again sandy and low. Here you can find the beautiful beach of Is Arutas which runs southwards for many kilometers. |
After leaving Oristano toward S. Giusta you should take the truck road 131 and turn aftewr reaching a junction leading to Marrubiu. After crossing Terralba and S. Nicolò turn on the right to S. Antonio di Santìadi and then to Porto Palma. Going north from here you can reach the panoramic promontory of Torre dei Corsari. |
It overlooks the beach of "Is Arenas s'acqua e s'ollastu", which looks like the Sahara desert because of its red sand and size. From Porto Palma the road leads down to Marina di Arbus where begins the Costa Verde (Green Coast). It is the umpteenth place untouched by man in this wonderful island. Here your eyes can wander trough these large strecthes of sand coloured by the green of some junipers, trough kilometers of red hot dines and over the emerald sea, which is second to none. Going on down south there is Capo Pecora and Buggerru with its famous beach of Cala Domestica. |
Alghero has been recently connected to Bosa by a beautiful panoramic coastal road. It runs for several meters on the sea-level and then climbs a rocky ridge of hills which strongly oppose the sea erosion. The whole drive is about 40 kilometers long and passes trough a desertic aerea woth no roads leading to the sea. Torre Poglina overlooks the large bay of Capo Marargiu, which affords some small inlets such as Seno de sa Pazzosa and Porto Tangone and some islets such the island of sa Pagliosa. Cala Giunchesca, Porto Managu and the islet having the same name, Cala Rabina and Cala del Moro can be seen from Cala Marargiu. |